Monday, December 3, 2012

Ballet update

Jaycee has really been enjoying ballet a lot! Currently the place she is going is great, but I'm torn. It's far to drive and they want you to purchase their own leotard and shirt (which is costly......just the leotard is $26). Plus they want to do automatic renewal each month. I'm hoping the new one I found she will enjoy just as much :) I have a really cute video also to go along, but I can get it to upload :(

Friday, November 16, 2012

Roman's 1st haircut

Over the weekend Roman had his first haircut! He now looks like a little boy and not our baby boy! He is growing way too fast!!!
The before

Another before

Bubble fun before getting started.

Let me free mommy, enough already!

Now happier on mommy's lap.

All done :)

And sister Jaycee got a haircut as well.

Cute hair bows for our princess!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

He can walk

Roman has been taking a few steps here and there now for over a month. Since the move last weekend he has been walking all over the new casa! Oh and yes for those of you that don't know we moved to a new home :) We didn't go far at all, just next door to the old house. It's a much nicer house and it's bigger :) We love it!!! Roman and Jaycee have their own rooms now :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ballerina Jaycee

Our sweet baby girl ready for her Ballet and Tap class last Thursday. She did so well! We are so proud of you Jaycee, mommy and daddy love you!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Raspberries and cooking

Talented Roman doing raspberries and cooking at the sametime! Love you little man!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

8 months

Boy trying to find time to blog these days is really hard! I thought today was a great reason too :) Yesterday Roman turned 8 months. Can't hardly believe he's 8 months already! He is ALL over the place. Crawling and pulling himself up too everything!!! He is such a happy baby boy! He is still not drinking his milk from a bottle, but this week we started something new and introduced a syringe and he is now drinking some out of that. Monday he had about 2 oz and yesterday he had about 3 1/2 oz. Who would have thought and he is drinking it cold. He is still not that interested in solid foods either. He may take a couple bites then he is done. He is still a healthy happy baby boy though, even though he is picky with his eating. Some pictures from the last month :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Final Road Trip post

Wow this vacation took 9 post to share our fun experience with you all. We truly had a wonderful time and are so happy we had the opportunity to take this trip. We seemed to have a lot in our way at first, but we made it happen and so happy we did :) It was so great to see all the family we did get to see, some had never even meet Tavo (after almost 11 years together). Such a GREAT family trip we will never forget with lots of beautiful memories!!!

Some place on the side of the road in Oklahoma City!

Catching grasshoppers!!!

Sleepy time in the car.

Princess Jaycee sleepy time.
Me and my baby boy somewhere on the side of the road stretching our legs.

Leaving Oklahoma City

Our newest driver.

Happy Roman to be out of his seat for a bit.

Yummy donut time :)

Somewhere in UTAH

Roman's first time in a pool in Vegas.

Daddy and his girl.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Road trip - Colorado fun!

I took a little break from posting, still trying to get caught up around the house since we were gone. After visiting Missouri we went to Colorado for 2 days and visited some friends :) We had a nice time and even spend the 4th of July with them :) Thanks for letting us stay Michelle, Danny and Landon :)

Having fun at a park in Littleton, CO

Michelle and the kiddos

Landon and Roman

Jaycee's first sleepover with Landon (us in the next room) :)

Coloring with friends :)

Daddy and son :)

Jaycee learned how to pump and swing by herself while in CO :)

Michelle and Roman

Jaycee playing bean bag toss.

Sleeping before our drive back to SD.